Fridays4Forests 10/6/22 - Events Across Australia
This week #Fridays4Forests reached new heights holding simultaneous actions across Australia from the Mid North Coast and Northern Rivers NSW all the way to The Kimberleys in WA

Fridays4Forests 27/5/22 - Save Our Oldgrowth Trees Campaign Launch
Save Our Oldgrowth Trees Campaign
Save Oldgrowth Trees Campaign Media Release:
Fridays4Forests Zoom 25/2 10am
Welcome to Fridays4Forests Zoom 25/2 - 10am:

Please join us this week 25/2 at 10am in a special Zoom meeting and invite your friends to help introduce new forest protectors from far and wide to the Fridays4Forests movement.
Please RSVP:

Camira State Forest Home to Endangered Koalas
18/02/22: Camira State Forest - Dalian Pugh Leads Search for Endangered Koalas
This week around a dozen Fridays4Forests protectors met in Camira State Forest (west of the Summerland Way, between Casino and Grafton) with renowned environmentalist and President of the North East Forest Alliance, Dailan Pugh (OAM) to follow up on his work there surveying for our endangered koalas. Dailan has been studying the unburnt section of Camira which is imminently threatened with logging and found considerable evidence of a significant koala colony there.
Read moreGateway to the Rainforest Hosts Fridays4Forests
Over a dozen NR locals gathered in Kyogle this Friday 11th Feb as Friday4Forests plan how to protect native forests in the local
The group supported today’s declaration from Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley that our Koalas are endangered & called upon State & Federal
Governments to act urgently to protect our Koala’s forest homes.
Fridays4Forests have been performing Citizen Science surveys across the Northern Rivers for over a year now & have found numerous examples of
where Koalas are clinging to life in the face of the threat of logging.
Friday4Forests are calling for the protection of all our Public Native Forests & the creation of a native forest reserve system with a sustainable plantation timber industry.
The group agreed to meet on 18th February at Camira State Forest to explore this area which is reported as imminently threatened by logging.
StandUp4Forests at 10am every Friday where ever you are
When we StandUp4Forests we take initiative to demonstrate that we bear witness and take creative action for our koalas and their native forest homes by engaging in citizen science, performance / art, peaceful protest and people's media to let the world know what is happening in our forests.
We invite all our friends and community to join us and we call upon decision makers and opinion leaders to act urgently to protect our public native forests from logging.
Please commit to taking some initiative for our native forests every Friday at 10am by yourself or with your community.
Print Fridays4Forests Info Kit to distribute.
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