MEDIA RELEASE: Burning Wood for Electricity Doesn't Pass the Pub Test

The writing is on the wall for wood-fired power stations”, said NEFA spokesperson Susie Russell.

“We are relieved that both Liberal and Labor politicians who participated in the parliamentary inquiry into “Sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW” have recommended that native forest biomass not be allowed in energy generation facilities.

The Parliamentary committee presented its report to the Government on Friday.

“The committee heard and accepted evidence that burning wood adds to greenhouse emissions and negatively impacts the environment.

“They also stated that “Native forest biomass isn't a renewable energy source. It reduces the ability of NSW forests to absorb atmospheric carbon and produces carbon emissions”.

“The committee has recommended that the NSW government works with other jurisdictions to exclude native forest biomass from being classed as renewable energy, and ensure that it is not eligible for renewable energy credits.

“They want the definition of native forest biomaterial under the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009 amended to prevent the burning of wood from native forests to generate energy,” Ms Russell said.

“These are excellent recommendations and we call on the NSW Government to accept and implement them.

“It also sends a strong message to those wanting to profit from burning our forests including the power stations at Condong and Broadwater on the north coast, the proposed Redbank power station in the Hunter Valley and the Vale's Point power station that adds wood to its coal: Reconsider and invest instead in genuine renewables!

“The NSW Government should now remove the perverse incentive for logging by shutting down the market for native forest biomaterial in power stations.

“With a Climate Code Red, our forests are the best technology we have for removing carbon from the atmosphere. We need them to be allowed to get on with the job,” Ms Russell said.

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  • Carolyn Tomi
    commented 2021-09-05 16:14:12 +1000
    Burning wood,from forests is polluting and unsustainable