Fridays4Forests 10/6/22 - Events Across Australia
Posted by Sean O'Shannessy · June 12, 2022 11:09 AM
Fridays4Forests 3/6 - Lismore @ Trees Not Bombs
Posted by Sean O'Shannessy · June 03, 2022 2:08 PM
Fridays4Forests 27/5/22 - Save Our Oldgrowth Trees Campaign Launch
Posted by Sean O'Shannessy · May 27, 2022 2:59 PM
Take the pledge to protect Braemar's koalas
This koala was spotted just 10 metres from a rally we held at Braemar -
in the middle of the area threatened by logging.
The North East Forest Alliance (NEFA) travelled out to Braemar State Forest in July 2019 to survey and protect koala habitat under logging rules that meant areas significant koala use would need to be protected. What we discovered blew us away with an exceptional population of an estimated 60+ koalas at risk of logging. Scat searches indicate there are over 100ha of Koala High Use areas – unprecedented in State Forests.
What we found was so compelling that we returned multiple times and completed four different audits of koala evidence in the area.
When we submitted this data to Forestry Corporation of NSW they simply announced they would be logging Braemar State Forest under the new logging rules meaning no koala habitat will be protected. We have estimated that homes of over 60 koalas will be decimated if this logging were to go ahead - unthinkable while local koala populations have halved in just 20 years. (source)
With logging due to commence, we are turning to the community to come together in support of Braemar's koalas.
We can stop this devastation, but we need your help.
Take the pledge below to stand up for Braemar's koalas.
A hundred people rallied on Sunday 15th September to protect Braemar - Photo David Lowe
Become a volunteerNow is the Time to StandUp4Forests
The North East Forest Alliance has always been effective in protecting our forest because of our dedicated band of volunteers. Now NEFA needs you to join us in campaigning for healthy native Forests4Ever. Please sign up today to do whatever you can before it is too late. With the State & Federal Governments committed to wholesale vandalism of our native forests right now, it is more important than ever that you commit to helping defend them. Even if it's to write a letter to your MP or join us at a public meeting or protest, every contribution brings us closer to protecting our forests forever. |
Become a volunteer