Damning results for Cherry Tree audit

NEFA has documented that the Forestry Corporation of NSW have breached the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act by not abiding by a national recovery plan, the National Parks and Wildlife Act by roading and logging the Endangered Ecological Community Lowland Rainforest, as well as committing breaches of 4 conditions of the Integrated Forestry Operational Approval, 41 conditions of the Threatened Species Licence, 19 conditions of the Environment Protection Licence, 7 conditions of the Fisheries Licence and numerous conditions of their own Harvesting Plan.

Cherry Tree State Forest is situated on the Richmond Range next to Mallanganee National Park, 29 km west of Casino in the ‘Border Ranges North and South', one of Australia's 15 recognised biodiversity hotspots. The Forestry Corporation undertook logging operations in 496ha of compartments 359, 360 and 361 from January to September 2015. NEFA undertook brief inspections in March and August and detailed investigations in September and October.

The results of NEFA's investigations are detailed in 'Audit of Cherry Tree State Forest, Compartment 359, 360 & 361'.

The  key findings from NEFA's audit can be found here

The main report can be found here (Warning, large file 7M)

Appendices to the main report can be found here

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